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MZ-NH900 £199 in T.C.R.

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yeah the having to use the ac adaptor is a pain - especialy if you want to record on mobile.

I recorded loads of video recordings of concerts etc and am pleased with the hi-sp facility - obvioulsly im getting the tape noise but still alright for listing whilst traveling.

mp3s converted to hi-lp sound crap! not very loud and very flat.

btw. do you think i could sell my hi-blank on ebay and get a tidy sum?

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btw. do you think i could sell my hi-blank on ebay and get a tidy sum?

Nope. Not worth the effort. I say, keep it.

And speaking of using AC for recording on a Hi-MD-disc, it isn't that critical. Using a good quality, high capacity NiMH-battery gives well above 5 hours per charge on my NH700. The NH900 with internal battery plus a high capacity NiMH will definitely give even more time. Remember, AA dry cells give way much faster than NiMH batteries under high current load.

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Ive just got back from rehearsals with my band. i recorded the whole 4 hours in hi-sp using just the supplied battery. im happy with that although i cant edit the disc untill i recharge and the indicator is down to 1 bar.

I wish i could see some sort of play back level indication on the tiny display as ive got the volume at max and its just loud enough with the headphones i normaly use with my Mz-N1.

so far im sort of dissapointed with the 900 but ill grow to like it.


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About the battery stuff:

I've been using the 700mAh NiMh that came with my MZ-NH700 and even with it I can run about 2 hours straight recording with a Hi-MD disc.

Mind you, I always carry a bag of spare alkalines with me. I'm just saying that I don't know about that AC power warning - I haven't had any problems at all yet and I have only swapped the NiMh out for an alkaline once so far.

I need a few more rechargeables though. It would be nice to have some 2400mAh batteries to go out with.

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