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HiMD Headunit

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All Hi-MD units can act as very slow data drives.

You basically get 1GB of space & can split that between music & data files.

Also sony have no current plans to release any other Hi-MD units other than portables at present, they want to "Test the water" but releasing the portable's first might be a good idea.

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I would expect a himd in car head unit to follow the himd portable & blank media release.

Usually about a year later as with mdlp!

I am thinking along the same lines as i use a SONY MDS-JB940QS home deck,My new SONY MZ-NH6000s (european model) HIMD portable (but no blank himd discs yet so use inl p4 mode) & a KENWOOD KMD-673R MDLP HEAD UNIT in car.

I thought having 5 hours of music on one disc was wicked,

But to be able to record 34 hours worth on one disc will be fantastic.

Quality has not been an issue for me either using lp4,

Most of the stuff i listen to is grainy & distorted anyway.

My primary reson for going the md route was as a digital replacement for audio cassettes & being able to move/delete etc.

Roll on HIMD Head Units!!!!

Kris M.

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