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Transferring mono tracks to MD

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I am an absolutle novice with all this stuff, so please be gentle: I read on the SONY support site somewhere that mono MP3 tracks can't be converted and transferred to the MD player (I have a Sony MZ-N420D). I have some old Jack Benny and Burns and Allen radio shows in MP3 format that I haven't been able to transfer or convert, and I am guessing this is the reason. Does this all sound right? Are there any good workarounds?

Thanks for any suggestions you might be able to throw my way!

(By the way, this looks like a fantastic site. My Sonicstage/Simple burner software became corrupted about a week ago and my attempts at uninstalling/reinstalling have all failed, as have my attempts to get useful information out of Sony support. I can't wait to try the reinstallation tips listed in this forum when I get back to my home computer tonight! I'm hoping this will finally solve my problems.)

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Guest NRen2k5

If you had a unit capable of recording, you would be able to record these tracks in realtime in minidisc's "mono" mode and have SP-like quality at an LP2-like recording capacity. Since you have a downloader unit, you will still have to use NetMD.

Open the MP3's in WinAMP's playlist, set its output plug-in as "Nullsoft Disk Writer", and configure it so that it forces a PCM / 44100Hz / 16-bit / stereo output file. Then "play" the MP3's in WinAMP - rather than playing them, it will flash through them and create WAV files which are sound-alike copies. You will be able to transfer these WAV files through NetMD and they will not take up any more space on MD than the MP3's would.

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NRen2k5 & Cori,

You're right--I was able to record the mono tracks without problem (using SonicStage 2.1). My earlier problems burning these tracks must have been related to the problems I was having overall, not due to the fact that they were mono recordings. I was mislead by one of the Sony knowledgebase articles that indicated that older MP3s ripped in mono might not be able to be transferred to the MD player. (A reinstallation based on the instructions on this site, rather than the info provided by Sony, helped me accomplish a clean reinstallation and seems to have solved all my problems--at least for now.)

Thanks for the help!!


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