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NH1 Hits UK Stores (At Last)

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Got my NH1 from BE- direct yesterday. The wait was worth it; very impressed, smaller than I expected and very well built. I don't have time to go into great depth but here are a few observations.

1. Unit LCD is SOooo small

2. Antishock memory is massive, I reckon at least 4x the old units, which equates to 160 sec equivalent of old SP or 320 sec LP2 and 640 sec 64KPS

3. Reformatted discs appear to take more effort to read the data (very subjective).

4. Transfers are smooth and a little less cluncky than NetMD units

Thats it for mow I'm off to actually use it now

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Ok it arrived about 15 minutes ago. These are my first impressions of it & the Sonic Stage software (I have used before but It's missing a really annoying feature which I would love to be put in). Ill try and put something up in detail about it later.

Its small... It really is small. Much smaller than my R900 (even though they are about the same size, its just a visual type small)

Sound - O M G, I had a SP recording I did a long time ago of some string & brass instruments. Using the same headphones (sony in-ear type but the ones with a hook over the ear) I can say its alot clearer than anything I have heard (N707 & R900). Oh and all this "Volume wont be loud enough till I can get 300TW from it" I cant listen to the unit above 8 or it begins to hurt.

Transfer times are about 3 or 4 times quicker than my N707, and that is nice to see. I though I was transfering some songs I have in LP4 mode, then checked & realised I had transfered Hi-SP versions.

This leads me onto SS. I really wish you could get this program to record in Hi-SP and then convert on the fly (without saving) to a format of yor choice (In my case LP2, Hi-LP or LP4 as YOU want to), I know that is transcoding but occasionally you want a song in a lesser format to fit on a disc & at present it transfers in 48kbps or the format that is compatable. I know its capable of tracking more than one encoding of the files as I have Hi-SP and LP2 for the same album (for NetMD & Hi-MD) what I really would like is to just tell it to put the LP2 files on the Hi-MD disc instead of it defaulting to Hi-SP EVERY time.

Rant over, Hope that someone can feed this back to Sony for me & would love to see it in SS2.2

Ok, time to read the manual & let it charge up (came with 6h left on the gauge)

BTW the Hi-MD compatable 80 minute discs are a nice yellow with gold trim. Look nice and "Snazzy".

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Just got mine!! Ask electronics on Tottenham Court Road say they have "quite a few"!! £229 sterling. Agree with others - it's smaller than expected - very well built - a sexy little machine. The finish on the magnesium surprised me. Not smooth and polished but covered in lots a little "lines" . Slotting into charging cradle feels very "solid" / clunk and click!! Will be transferring some Atracs and testing the sound later.

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Hi again,

Still havent really had a good try out of it yet. (Work)

Just thought i would ask what other people think about the felt bag Sony now provides to carry the recorder in instead of the leather case.

I personally think it is rubbish compared to the leather cases, theres no hole for the remote cable to come out, it provides very little protection and looks bad.

Bring back cases! (at least for the higher end models).

oh well, gonna have to buy a new case tomorrow.


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Just thought i would ask what other people think about the felt bag Sony now provides to carry the recorder in instead of the leather case.

I personally think it is rubbish compared to the leather cases, theres no hole for the remote cable to come out, it provides very little protection and looks bad.

I use leather case from my N10, still the leather case tends to let in the dust a bit.

Edit: Sorry leather effect or "pleather" not actual leather.

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I hate those horrid 'tramp' bags that Sony (and Sharp) seem so keen on. The leather (or 'pleather') bags are much better. I've seen some for sale on eBay, though I've bought a couple of them from a shop in London (Hi-Fi Surplus on Tottenham Court Road) for £7.99, I think. Maybe a Sony Centre would have one too...

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Nope, The Sony Centre don't sell them. (our local one anyway)

They told me to phone Sony Spares (SEME) which i will do tomorrow, dreading to hear the price, its so expensive to buy from them. (over £8 for 1 set of large rubber plug things for my MDR-EX71 eaphones).

Thanx again


I wouldn't store anything in the bag with the minidisc player unless you want scratches all over it, especially the screens.

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Nope, The Sony Centre don't sell them.  (our local one anyway)

They told me to phone Sony Spares (SEME) which i will do tomorrow, dreading to hear the price, its so expensive to buy from them. (over £8 for 1 set of large rubber plug things for my MDR-EX71 eaphones).

Get ready to sell an organ if you want to buy directly from Sony. :smile:

I wouldn't store anything in the bag with the minidisc player unless you want scratches all over it, especially the screens.

This is very true, I was trying to guess at Sony's reasoning for dropping the pouch in favour of the bag.

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