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Should I buy NH1 or NH900?

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Mark H

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OK, the MZNH900 gives you the option of adding a bulky AA adaptor which would enable you to record a four day music festival with out recourse to mains charging but you could get extra gumstrip bats for the NH1 and charge them up ready.

If you intend to do any recording in dark clubs,before going for the 900 give serious consideration to the darkness of its screen and the illegibility of the text - compared to what we are used to this aspect is a aerious backward step,Thanks a lot Sony!

The(nh1)Backlit 3 line remote is a must It also can monitor the recording level.

The Nh1 is way Sexier.

If you get the World Tourist model of the 900 , or buy a three line remote for it ,I'm not sure if It will support record lever or not.

Any one know If it will??????

ANyone know how available the 3line reme is as a separate item

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