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Braindead lawyers!

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According to a report on the developer magazine builder.au, Linux Australia got slapped with a takedown notice about the movies 'Twister' and 'Grind'.

There is only a small problem, the MPAA-lawyers send out their threats after finding two directories on a FTP-Server with the same names as the movies without checking the contents of these directories. Now the MPAA could end up in an australian court...

Heise.de reports, that the University of Paderborn in Germany got one of these letters as well, this time it is about the movie 'Ghost'.

The MPAA found a directory named 'ghost' on an university-owned server, not realising, that it contained the popular postscript/PDF-viewer Ghostscript. Again software, the MPAA has no rights over.

I think, it is time for criminal prosecution against the MPAA.

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