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Rob Guest

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Everything posted by Rob Guest

  1. Thanks for the reply. I think I may have found a way to work around the problem. I have noticed that tracks on compilation albums are stored correctly if there is a full album by the same artist. For example, I have a number of REM albums. I also have a couple of compilation albums with REM tracks on them. SS realises that the artist is the same, so stores the data correctly. The problem comes when you don't have a full album by one of the artist on a compilation CD. There must, therefore, be a list somewhere of all the artists and the initial that they should be stored under. Does anyone know where this list is stored, or how to get to it through SS?
  2. Has anyone else had the following problem with the NW-A3000 and SS? If the library is being viewed by Album, you can right-click on the album artist and see the properties. One of these properties is the initial to store the artist's name under. For compilation albums, I have named the album artist as 'Various Artists', and have stored it under 'V'. The problem is, that all the artists within the compilation album are also stored under the 'V'. So, if, for example, you have a compilation containing a track by 'Abba', this track can only be found by looking under 'V' on the player, not 'A'. Does anyone know how to assign initials to track artist, not just album artists?
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