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Everything posted by sunjan

  1. Hi all, I've been following the development of the NetMDpython project: http://www.minidiscforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=18579&start=480 Until now, the best way to transfer legacy SP minidiscs has been with RH1, and converting the ATRAC to WAV with SonicStage on PC. But I've read reports that the software ATRAC decoding done with SonicStage is inferior to real time SPDIF transfer from a deck with a dedicated Type-R/Type-S chip. Does netNDpython + ffmpeg ATRAC decoder change this? Or will the resulting WAV file be identical? Has anyone done comparisons? It would be interesting to see some frequency plots.
  2. Any updates on this subject since last year? Is RH1/M200 still the only hardware capable of transfering legacy SP recordings to the computer? No other HI-MD player supports this functionality?
  3. Hi guys, I really appreciate the hard work you put into investigating this issue. Please take a look at the frequency analysis that was just posted on ts.com: http://taperssection.com/index.php/topic,7...html#msg1197858 OK, the curves are not drastically different, but obviously still enough for an audible difference to be heard. What do you make out of it? User error, harware/software problem or...? Thanks, Jan
  4. Interesting. So what do you think about the theory from the user on taperssection? Is he wrong in assuming that SS is transcoding the incoming ATRAC as ATRAC3??? /Jan
  5. Please note that some users have found transfer of legacy MDs with RH1 to be lossy. Read more here: http://taperssection.com/index.php/topic,7...html#msg1025181 Ie, for transfer without further losses, realtime upload via optical-out (from a standalone MD deck) would be the safest bet until proven otherwise. /Jan
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