dear roem, I have almost the same problem. Our team transfered some recordings to the Hard Disk via USB before we set up the SS on the computer. Now we can not open the .hma file which was our two years reading research result. I have tried the method you mentioned to save my data. However, some problems occurred. Does the method you mentioned work on SONY MZ-NH700 too ? How about the recordings length ?Our research recordings was about 1 hr. per disc (~800mb) When I replaced the ATDATA03.XX on the 'pseudo'-recording processing to the one to recovered, however, the the length of the " to be recovered recording" was the same as the 'pseudo' one (which I though should be longer), and which can't be played neither on the Hi-MD nor on the SS. It Also doesn't work after they were conversed . Though I can see the to be transfered folder via the SS. Would you please explain more of this section? when we connect the MD and PC, there are two side to be played, one is the MD, the other is the PC storage, do you mean the MD side? Actually there is no response when we played the MD side , and the length of the recordings are always the pseduo one not the recovery one, also there is no normal sound showed. Thank you so much!