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    Yamaha MD8

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  1. Hello all.... I'm hoping to get some experienced users out here to help me out. I really like my MD8 but my only beef has been lack of a digital out. The only way I've been able to transfer tracks to my PC is 2 at a time (one L and one R - mono). I've been looking at a SMPro-Audio-A08-ADAT-Lightpipe-Converter. It looks possible, but need an ADAT in sound card and maybe it's overkill. I do have an MAudio Delta 410 soundcard (with 4 ins - have yet to use/install it)... I'm trying to find the best/easiest way to transfer 8 tracks. I'm guessing this would be at least an 8 in sound card.... Maybe I'm making this more difficult on myself... trying to master all on my computer (meaning each track), rather than just recording the mix in stereo... With this in mind..... I'm in a quandry as how to tackle recording live gigs and practice (for reference but want decent recordings) altogether. I've been thinking of picking up an MD4S so it's not so bulky. AND...I also have a laptop... but am not sure I want to lug it around at gigs..... I'm just not sure what to do... anyone out there starting to rethink the minidisc format? The MD8 is a huge piece of equipment but I am really impressed with the sound (and ease of use) .... so that's why I was thinking maybe I'd go with the MD4S for portable recordings. If not, I guess I can buy a case for the MD8. As for the laptop dealio... if I went that route, I figured I could pick up a Tapco Link.FireWire 4x6 Audio Interface. Of course then I'd have to buy a firewire PCMI card for my laptop (and would only have 4 ins). I'm just hoping I can use my existing equipment with a few additions... which would be easeier, etc? Guessing I may be opening a can of worms here. Any suggestions would be mucho appreciated.
  2. vampirefish

    Yamaha MD

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