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Everything posted by egidio

  1. SS just freezed every time I opened it. I had to ctrl-alt-delete it every time. I disabled everything, even uninstalled ffdshow and stuff, and still wasnt working. Actually ss worked for a week with hi-md disc, than I tried with MD80 normal disc (there was some tracks on it from previous owner) , and it started to crash - could this be a problem?. I'll try 3.4 now, but only with hi-md, I don't really need normal MD I just wanted to initialize it. Thanks for help!
  2. Hello all! I'm new here. Just wondering which is the most stable sonicstage version, I'll need it to download microphone recordings from nh900. I had ss 4.3 and it stopped working, it freezed every time I started it, I also tried reinstalling (with method mentioned on this forum) and still had same problem. So I formated computer with fresh windows XP sp2, and I really need something stable (I'm working on important project) Thank you!
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