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Everything posted by BKav

  1. Thanks for the battery recommendations. I will definitely pick up a couple of those. Last night I took the battery out and wiped off all the connectors until they looked shiny, and then fully charged it. I was then able to record for at least 3.5 hours and when I turned it on this morning it was still at 2 bars. I don't know if that solved the problem, or if the battery was just loose or if it is really starting to fail, but I'll buy some more batteries as a backup just in case. Thanks!
  2. Hello everyone, This is my first post on this website. I am in a bit of a quandry that I hope you can help with. I have had my Sony RH-910 recorder for almost 3 years, and I've been very happy with it's performance. I've used it to record maybe 25-30 times, each time lasting around 2.5-3 hours. I have never had any battery trouble as long as I fully charge the battery before recording. I can always record for at least a 3 hour span in Hi-MD and when I am done it still has 2 bars left. On Sunday I was doing a stealth recording, and I noticed that the machine had completely turned off and stopped recording after 45 minutes. For the second act of what I was recording, I attached the AA battery pack and it only gave another 35 minutes of recording time before stopping dead. Is this a battery problem? Should I buy a few replacement gumstick batteries, and if so, is this ebay item a good battery? I found that link on another page on this website. Or should I get this battery from Minidisco.com? Thanks!
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