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chuckie brown

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  1. The R70 is now in the process of being sent to a long-time member of this excellent forum. Thank you all for your interest. Best Wishes Richard
  2. I have a blue MZ-R70 and AC-MZR55 power adaptor (240V, 50Hz, 5W) in almost mint condition to donate to someone who is a genuine MD enthusiast and who will look after it with an almost unnatural amount of love and care. I do not want to put it on ebay because I do not know if the winner is in reality a bit of a loser who does not know how to care for MD units properly. R70's are not worth much now here in Adelaide Australia so I am willing to part with it and maybe even help with shipping costs if they are not too high. I've been reading this forum for a few years now and have observed the obvious passion some of you have for all things minidisc. I would be delighted if a long-time member or frequent poster would look after my R70 and not allow it to gather dust in the back of a cupboard somewhere. I have no plans to use it again so it would be great if someone could. Best Wishes to all Richard.
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