Could please someone help me. I am a great fan of MD. I recently got an old MDS-PC3 from my brother who has forgoten everything about MD's. I installed Sony M-Crew 2.0E on my machine. Generaly I was able to record MP3's and WAV's to MD but certain MP3's seem not to be supported (on the same album along side of the supported ones). I converted them into standard WAV's 44kHz and M-Crew gets me an error message: "The file may not be compatible with M-crew, or may reside in a location outside of M-crew's control. Confirm which is the case, and then perform the registration process again." As I said the files are in the same folder as the compatible ones and are ripped the same way and converted to WAV the same way too. Unfortunately the official SONY support doesn't exist no more, so please help me. Regards, Cray-z