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  1. Thanks for the ifo guys. looks like the sony will have to go, back to apple I go. Anyone want to swap for a nano or ipod?? shame Ive always used sony audio gear and been happy with it. Some rumors on a different forum of the newest versions not going to require sonicstage? still need windows tho I guess. Not got intel or enough ram as a humble G4. Oh well. I cant reload the nwa with apple software can I? turn it into an ipod on the inside??? Cheers
  2. please help me get this working! I have an nwa100 and an apple ibook I can use it as a portable hard drive, dragging and dropping mp3 and other files in but cant actually play anything! anyone got any ideas? sony dont seem to do a mac version of their software. I have searched this forum but far too many threads came up and I couldnt find anything that actually helped. I like mac and sony, my w900i works great (eventually) but now I would like a separate music player, not just a flash drive!
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