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Everything posted by RED SHIFT1
How about this: is there any sotware that will allow me to simply import the cds, add tracks names, etc., that can just be put on the hard drive without connecting to some remote computer somewhere? So far SS is about the simplest one for me to use (esp for cd-rs). WMP don't work well with cd-rs that are compilations.
Ok, just out of desperation I clicked on the Import folders thing and went down thru the selections until I got to Application Data>Sonicstage>Export and Temp. I check of those last two and got back a few dozen cds that I had imported. I say "a few dozen" cause over the 4 years I had imported hundreds of them. I had cds that started with every letter in the alphabet except Q, X, and Y. Now I only have about 7 letters used. Any more ideas or is it time to start re-importation?
Alright...oddly enough I was just fooling around with 4.3 Ult and clicked on Import Music Files. The the "Packages" folder appeared subdivided into two folders: DPL and LocalCDInfo. Both Show up as empty. The really strange thing here is that this is the only place I can see them...they do not show under My Computer at all when I look at the location where they should be. I found many OMA files related to a few cds I had imported thru WMP 11. Keep talking Arvin...
Ok;first, the old drive shows up as the "H" drive on My Computer...don't know why. Second, the Contents file is empty, but I don't see one called Packages. About to try the OMA search.
My band uses a Alesis SR-16 as click track. It is kind of tricky tho...cause when we get to the last chorus I will take my left hand off the keyboard and change tempo. Usually it takes a minute. The bass player suggest that I recorded 5 minutes of the track to an Ipod and then just connect the Ipod to the board and then I could arrange the track into the order in which we perform the set. Sounds good...only one problem: I don't have an Ipod. What I do have have is a Hi-MD. I know I have one of those connectors to record to the line-in on the unit and I will need an adapter to connect the Alesis. My question is can I eliminate that annoying beeping noise that the MD makes everytime I skip forward or backward amongnst the tracks (or anything else for that matter)?
Ok Arvin I did as you said and lo and behold the folders you mention are still in existence. But the last one, "Sonicstage" has a folder titled "contents" and it is empty. I did delete some stuff on the old drive two days and that info must have been part of it. Oh well.
How in the world do I do that? I have the old drive in an Enclosure Kit. I haven't formatted it done anything else.
Ok, so a few days I had to replace my internal WD 80G drive. I was running out of space. So now I have to reinstall my Sonic stage software. Two questions: (1) The disc I have is an older version, 2.0 I think. I believe the version I had was 4.3 or something like. Where can I download it? (2) Are all the dozens of cds gone? Is it possible to resurrect the My Library in all its' former glory or is it gone?
Downloaded some MP3s today and then used Sonicstage to import the filess to My Library. I then proceeded to create an audio cd. I indicated the tracks I wanted, but when I clicked the record button, only a handful of the tracks I choose got on the disc (or would have, if the process had completed). I got a message that read: "The disk containing the temporary folder does not have sufficent space" Well, I have never seen that before...what does it mean and what can I do to get my tracks on the CD?
An excellent question!
We used to live in Oakwood, probably not 15 miles from Buford down 985. The first Net MD I bought was from the Best Buy there at the Mall Of Georgia, across from what used to be Circuit City. Still go up there every few weeks to Red Lobster!
I guess that is simple enough; the reason I have been doing it is becuase another poster informed that running the backup tool is useless. Converting the files makes them usuable to all SS versions, instead of just 4.3 By the way, I posted the Model of the md player I saw at wally world on the other post by me. Thanks.
At the request of a few posters, I took a quick trip up to the aforementioned Walmart: Model: Sony PSYC Net MD MZ-DN430 Ticket Price: $97 On Sale For: $79 The first NET MD I bought in 2004 was $250.
Well, I decided to give SS another chance so I imported 10 cds and then ran the conversion tool as described by another poster. This seems to be what is causing my problem. Before I ran the tool, every cd was playable from the Library page. After the tool conversion "file not found" on all 10. I don't understand why the software can't find the files, because from the start I used the Options to put the files on the external drive. It does not appear to be looking at the F drive after the conversion; before it was doing fine! I have learned that I can use the Import Music Files to solve this...kinda. I go to the F drive (where SS imported all the cds originally, before I ran the conversion tool) find the folder with the cd I want to play, and select all the files therein. SS imports the files back into the Library under the correct folder. However, now I have two copies of every track: one that will play and another that gives me the "file not found" thing. So I delete the latter and leave the former. I thought "problem solved!" But that would mean everytime I ran the conversion tool, I would have to reimport the files again on every cd! I think the basic problem here is that before conversion, SS reads the files and plays off the F drive; after conversion, it is confused for some some reason and does not read the F drive. So, how do I keep SS reading the external drive after the conversion?
I think maybe I will try this whole over again and use the F drive from the start. After downloading several other music cataloging programs, none are as simple as SS. Windows Media Player 11 comes close, but after a few trial runs I found something rather strange: (1) I have a lot of recordable cds where I recorded two lps, tapes, etc., by two different bands. Example: Tracks 1-12 Kingsmen "The Game Of Life" Tracks 13-23 Gold City "Walk On" Here are two lps by two entirely different bands on one cd. I simply want to import them in WMP 11 seperately, so that when I click My Library they come up as two seperate artists and albums. If I just had one group on the cd, say the Kingsmen, it would be easy: stick the cd in, hit rip, type in artist, etc. And then the cd would come up on My Library: Kingsmen "Game Of Life" And then the tracks would be listed. As it is now, I cannot seem to get WMP 11 to seperate two artists that are on one disc. I put in the disc, go to the rip page, and just check the Kingsmen tracks, I thought I could seperate the two that...but it don't work. The software rips ALL of them (Gold City as well) and then labels ALL of them as the Kingsmen under the Game Of Life album. That is no good! I need to be able to make each lp an individual entry in the My Library.
Well, I finally reached the end with SS 4.3. The last 3 days have been real ugly. My problems seems to have started when I used the options menu to have SS save future cd imports on an external drive. It seemed to work fine...for awhile. Then everything started to fall apart: (1) After running the backuptool a lot of files just vanished. I was told that the backup tool does not really backup anything. They were right. (2) I discovered that I could use the File import menu to reimport files from the external drive...but they don't seem to last long. By 8AM, the ones I had done this with yesterday once again would not play..."file not found". I re-imported everything from the F drive and after running the conversion tool I started getting the dreaded message again. It seems that the origial decision to have the SS program use the external drive (cause I ran out of room on the C drive) was a mistake. I have now just simply deleted everything I have imported..both on the C and F drives, except for a few dozen that I need to keep on the C drive because of the playlists I have made up. I will restart all this again possibly next week with Windows Media Player 11. I am researching the possibilites with it. I will still keep SS software on the PC so I can use the Simple Burner program.
It is at Banks Crossing GA which is in Banks County at exit #149. I-85 goes right by it. It has a Commerce GA address tho. I think the ones I saw were the NET MD type. I though I was dreaming it...but they were real. I have not see any MD units of any type since 2004 in a retail or electronics since 2004.
Can you explain that? A few weeks ago I began running out of room on the C drive. A poster told me how to have the software import the cds to the external hard drive.
All this backup problems are getting to me...after running the conversion tool, everything I imported prior to that is gone. I get the "file not found". I know where the files are: on the external drive. I don't think the program is looking there. It saves files to it tho. Can I fix this?
Ok after doing the data restore in an effort to get the cds I have imported in the last two weeks back....now nothing I have imported in a month shows up in My Library. This has really get me ill. Is there any reason why I should not just delete this software and try something else and start from the beginning again?
So just now I decided to check on the cds I imported last week...well, now suddenly, they are gone. (see fig 1 on attachment). The title still shows up in My Library, but the music is gone. When I click on the track, I the message "file not found" again...on everyone. Dozens of cds have vanished since the last backup! However... This is goes back to my OP: On my external drive are the files from the missing cds...as far as a I can tell (see fig 2, pt a). When I click the folder sonicstagefiles, the albums are there in with the tracks in each folder (see fig 2, pt . If I click on a folder, the tracks appears with the SS icon next to them (See fig 3). When I click on a track, the display changes to All Tracks, the track loads and plays...but if I go back to My Library and click on the same track I get the infamous "File not found". Also, I tried running the Restore Data. Every drive I click on tells my there is no backup data in that drive and the program won't run (Fig 4, pts A & . There is a folder on the harddrive called sonicstagebackup that was made (I assume) by the SS program itself. Where does the backup data go? I know there are SS files on the F drive (that's the external drive) and on the C drive. But I keep getting that same message and the restore program stops. I don't understand why it is called "the backup tool" if it doesn't actually backup anything! Also just noticed that all the artwork I imported over the last week is gone off My Library. Not sure where the attachment went...it shows screen captures documenting this problem. Don't know why the yellow icons are in my post either.
Ok. Well, after 3 years of importing cds, this is a lot of info!
A few weeks ago I posted a question about using an external hard drive to use with Sonicstage 4.3 for importing CDS. I used the advice I got and it worked fine. Now, for another question: About every 2 weeks I run the backup tool since in that time I will have imported dozens of cds. Everynow and then I will run into one that the software will not import. So I use Windows Media Player and rip the cd and then use the "import music files" option to import them into the Sonicstage program. However, I have discovered two problems with this: (1) If I delete the files in Windows Media Player, then Sonicstage will tell me something like "can't find the file" or something like that. Why? (2) When I use the backup tool (which I do about every two weeks) I will get a list of hundreds of items that can't be backed up: a. Some have .jpg extensions which I guess are the artwork I scanned/downloaded. OK, I hate that but I can live with it. I have attached a screen capture of some of these. b. Some have .wma extensions; these are usually files from Windows Media Player. I guess the question here is why can't the backup tool...well...backup all this stuff?
While at the local Walmart today, I saw several minidisc portable units for sale. I have not seen a MD unit in any store since around 2004! Was that just a fluke by Walmart?