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john ferguson

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Everything posted by john ferguson

  1. No question...just thought someone would like to see it.
  2. Has any one seen this web page before ? http://www.minidisc.org/minidisc_faq.html#_q87
  3. I would like to ask anyone out there...."how long has this format got?"....I have been moving recordings onto CD because I find it hard to purchase blank MDs...and I find repairs to decks and portables are very expensive.I think the CD format will outlast MD.
  4. Your lucky my MZ-RH10 will not title tracks...and to fix this...Sony wanted £200....YOU CAN GET A NEW ONE FOR £250!!!
  5. Hi There...for MD labels ...try... www.pressit.com good luck.
  6. Is there any chance of Sony doing a HI MD Deck????? Anyone at Sony seeing this.....Please do a HIMD Deck....I am sure you would find custormers. I live in hope.
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