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  1. hi - do you know if it is possible to use the line out with a remote attached. Each time i try it reverts back t headphone out. is there anyway to fix this?
  2. i use the minidisc for recording bird calls in a lab. its actually property o the university (but my name is on the grant) so i probably can caim to own it. One of pHd students bought it many years ago at a local shop - it wa only when it brokee that we found out about how expensive it i. ery odd becuase i remember authorising the purchase and at he time it only cost us 160 pounds - so its strange to see howmuch people are selling them on ebay for now! I may retire it if it cant be fixed as it does have a sentimental meaning to a few of my students.
  3. thanks for the assistane i will contact him and let you know what occurs.
  4. no i lost the jog dial. It got pulled off while i was moving and i did not realise untill later. Shame - i thought there might be some type of repair service from sony but have been unable to find one for mini discs.
  5. Hi - long time lurker. Unfortunatly i was careless with my mz-rh1 and i pulled off the jog dial. The whole piece is missing, Is there anyway t get this repaired? Is there any company that does this type of repair, I gather it could be pricey. any help would be gratefully appreciated. I have been using this for years to record bird sounds for my work (biologist) cheers
  6. choudy

    Just purchased

    hi all. i bought a mz rh1 2 weeks ago. i was really unsure about before i bought it. but i have to say that im really pleased with it. the sound quality is excellent - but what i like most about it is just being able to record things off the internet easily via simple line in - for example i like real time with maher - so i just record it while i watch and then listen to it later - something that i would never do with an ipod.
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