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Everything posted by sun_chen

  1. Thank of everybody help! I judge the MD hard to connect PC no software issue. the mostly probable is mainboard fault. I have clear the old versions SS before new versions installing in window XP system.(delete Include share file, regedit and so on). And the MD still cannot connect PC. Future,I will try to disassembly MD. Please kindly give any suggestion if anybody has been disassembled the N1O. ( i will major to inspection which circuit). Thanks!
  2. Hi All I have a net MD Sony N1O, but now is hard to connected with PC.I try to used different verison of sonistage as 1.5/3.0/4.0/4.2 to connect MD but failed. and my computer show "USB can't identify device". but my MD has show PC->MD.I found in chinese forum said this issue due to MD mainboard damage. and the MD show PC->MD at all times still closed MD. but i have some differe, my MD PC->MD will close when i disconnect the MD to PC. And i can connect MD to PC sometimes. but couldn't connect in mostly time. Have somebody know that issue for this MD. and how connect the MD to PC. thank you firstly. BTW: Apologized my poor english expression.
  3. This MD come from china. SVA is one of chinese famous celctronical company in Shanghai city and cooperate with Sony. below is SVA web site: http://www.sva-e.com/en/index/
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