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Everything posted by Blye

  1. The Sony site specs for the player I have (NWZ-S639F) says it can play MP4. However since MP4 is just a container for audio/video/other streams and data, it matters what the encoding of the audio stream is inside the mp4 file. I have tried all my mp4 podcasts and none work on the Sony player. So obviously the encoding used in them are not supported.
  2. I have a Sony S639F and am frustrated by the non-gapless playback (except using wav, but then I would only fit 20 or so cds on it). Most of the cds I have are classical or live performances which need gapless. Is it possible to make an "enhanced" or "podcast" MP4 file, with all the tracks joined into one, but with Chapters. This would be equivalent to some podcasts I download as one mp4 file, but has pictures and chapters that I can jump to. I have not yet tried these mp4 files on the sony, but on the ipod and in Windows Media Player, these play gapless, since its one audio stream with chapter markers. If it is possible, is there software that I can use that will take a collection of wav files and create one mp4 file with chapters? Thanks
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