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About Challenger

  • Birthday 10/23/1970

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  • Sony Products I Own
    Minidisc collection

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. The collection updated Dezember 16th with new machines and new look. Hope you enjoy and post your collections too!
  2. what do you think about a new topic where fellows could show the MD stuff collection and so on? I think there are any..? there are very nice machines, blank md's, and Md related very interesting down there...
  3. Hello! Thank's for your reply. I think it will be great to see other user collections. I think there is any topic about that, or am I wrong? Might be very nice, cause there are some nice MD models that I never see on pics, or limited editions of some stuff I'll apreciate to see!
  4. Hi guys! I am new here but am i really astonished to see all this MD fan fellows here!! I must told to my freinds here in my place that I am not the only one crazy about MD format! I started collecting Md machines but was amazing to see that some people is collecting too blank md's! Nice idea! So, i left here my Md collection machines if you think that it might interest to take a look. I have also some acessories, Pre recorded Md's (Michale Jackson's Thriller is one of them), and some (few) blank ones. I might start collecting this blanks too but is veryyy rare to see some of this stuff here in Portugal, besides sony ones. Sorry for some english mistakes! In the pic is missing Mz-Rh1, Mz-R3 and Mz-Nf810, i must update the photo. Challenger
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