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  1. I have a few problem using sonicstage 4.3 (english) in windows 7 1. sonicstage wont import songs with chinese char in it.(physically rename songs to english then works.) 2. after import chinese songs, when i search up the cd info, the programs finds it but display char with question marks. 3. Tried to install japanese and chinese sonicstage 4.3 to see if I can avoid this problem. after install, the program language displays in question marks. include menu, song name. Anyone that can help with the problem will be greatly appciated
  2. yep downloaded it, currently using it with no problem. Only thing tho, the english version of the software have trouble displaying japanese/chinese char in the program and have problem upload files to sonicstage if there is chars involving japanese and chinese
  3. hi, i know that Hi MD players now can directly transfer mp3 without going thru sonic stage for playback. Can i do the same with .wav files/ i have alot of Flac format audio that is converted to PCM/wav files
  4. let me know if anyone is interested to sell their RH1 for 200USD need to be in mint condition.
  5. This may sound silly as both of the players look the same. My question is what is the model of the remote that come with the MZ-M200? and does it have the ability to display japanese/chinese characters?Are both of the player exactly same? thank you for the help.
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