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  1. bread_voter1


    I have recently been given MZ-NH1 by a friend as he has the IPOD bug, I did I have a minidisc recorder a few years ago but I made a the big mistake of selling it, so am so pleased to have a minidisc again as the mp3 players I have not been impressive audio wise. I have windows vista 64 bit on my pc and sonicstage wont work with the MZ-NH1, I also tried using realplayer one but yet again I could not get the player to work. Can someone offer me some advice other than installing a 32 bit operating system how to get my player to work, ideally I would like to use sonicstage as my friend gave me discs with music on that I wish to upload on to my pc. Also as I side issue were can I obtain a new usb lead for the MZ-NH1 as the current lead is difficult remove from the player at times.
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