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  1. I installed SS under Windows 7 64bit, and it works fine with the NH1, as long as HiMD mode is used. I had to manually install a device driver, and re-boot, after SS was installed. I tried installing SS under Vista 32bit on Virtualbox, but the Vista pre-license period had lapsed and I'm not paying for another Vista. Instead I installed SS on my Vista laptop, and managed to transfer an album to standard MD after configuring the NH1 to look like a non-HiMD device. However this was very slow (maybe 2-3X real time), so I won't be doing that again. It is extremely poor service from Sony not to bother releasing 64 bit drivers for NetMD operation. 64 bit operating systems have been around for a long time now. They should not have dropped support for MD devices from their newer software either. It just shows they have a hard time handling the complexities of software development, and that penny pinching management rules over common sense at Sony.
  2. Try Virtualbox from SUN -which I find to be excellent. I run Vista (32 bit) and Linux in it under Windows 7 (64bit). I will try Virtualbox with SonicStage soon, so can report back later.
  3. I emailed back to you as per PM -did you get my email?
  4. Hi! Thanks for the reply! I have a new ipod nano, but I do miss the MD sound! Seems the important midrage is a bit more detailed with MD. (I use pretty good bitrate AAC on the ipod) Perhaps I'll use the 1GB capability and actually use it on the go! Of course, I won't be able to copy any old MDs to put them together on 1GB media.. It all sucks quite a bit.. (It's my old analogue recordings, directly from LP, I miss most, for which I have no digital version on the PC.) It would be interesting to know however if, in theory, other Hi-MD players could be hacked to behave like the RH1. Is it actually the hardware (firmware really of course) that limits download, or is it SonicStage itself? Could Sony in theory release a firmware upgrade to change the behaviour? (Not that Sony is well known for improving products once on the market.) Not sure if that reply was intended for me? What is the problem with the RH1? I'm in the Uk. Edit: OK, found your posting. I'm interested, at the right price! I will need all accessories too of course, and some photo to gauge the general condition! Regards
  5. Hi all, new here! I have used MD since the start pretty much (gen 2 i suppose). I now would like to upload my own recordings to the PC for archival. I just purchased an MZ-NH1 (on its way), but now realize (after more online research) it won't be able to upload any older MDs, i think? Is this a limitation in SonicStage, or some kind of hardware limitation? These Sony limitations sure drives you crazy.. Regards
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