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  1. Jeez already. Oh well, I have a few other to use. I ain't going nowhere near the service menu's on them. Tell you the truth, i don't think it was working before I went in there so no great loss..... Some one may come up with a solution later on. Cheers Nick
  2. Cheers sfbp, PSU = Power Supply Unit. There must be a way to continue, seems a bit silly to put a procedure in there that cannot be stopped. I have the service manual, and have gone thru the options. Still no avail. Nick
  3. Cheers for that but I have tried it. Running on a PSU. Left with no power for 20 Mins. Upon restart, it flashes up in test mode again. I need a hard reset sequence . I think it is getting stuck on the CD/MO test option, that I aint got... Shame to chuck it out.... Regards, Nick
  4. HI , thanks for reading. In my wisdom to explore the test-mode of the afformentioned item, I got it stuck in there - permanently. It will not resume back to normal play.rec mode. Anyone got any ideas to get me sorted. Many thanks. Nick
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