Hi Steve and thank you for the reply. MD is not a voice recorder really... is it? No? Once again like Facebook is not email! (going back to to todays know it all teens that trying to do eveything on the cheap)! CHEAP is what comes to mind!
What I am trying to say is: Sony and many other makes are still making TAPE decks! WHY? Because, when even in 2010, when you are building a Hi-Fi system, you still need tape. Why? Because people still have tapes and also people like to record as well not only to take their music on the go but to record from radio, anything from music that is has never been released on CD's to the news, to something important to them! Why is the MD been shut out from this?
So Sony has not moved on from tape but has moved on from the MD? This is obsurd! This is because people of today are more interested on having their music on the move copy (even illegaly) and nothing more. I have been in to AV since a teenager. Also a DJ in the mid 80's and learned from one of the number 1 DJ in the world in the mid-80's with some of the most famous Madona re-mixes...
And AV is not just music to listen to in the car on on the road. Is also being able to make a home/small studio recordings on a versatile format! (and what is better than the MD for this)?
You will say make a CD... Really? Do I need to remind the benefits of the MD, like editing withour software? Protective case? Re-recordable? Small? Transportable? Better than tape? Why are we all stuck on the MP3 etc etc
I am a big fan of MP3... or Should I say AAC? Even a bigger fun of iTunes (I do not think that ANY music management softeare will ever be better from any point of view)
But the MiniDisk is not comparable with ANY of these formats! What you really saying is because we now have MP3 and HDD recording devices, we should completely get rid of LP's CD's TAPE's MD's DAT's REEL to REEL and every other format that is not MP3? Should I throw my Technics SL-1210MK in the bin????? I do not think so!
Such thinking doomed the MiniDisk from day one! Plus the fact that it nver launched in the US just because it was expensive!!!! Please! Why is the US the only controller of our lifes???? Not sure!
Sorry, but we keep missing the point that MD (and now Hi-MD) is a non-comparable format!!! Full stop!
And if Sony is still making TAPE decks then they should make Hi-MD decks! So they supporting the Philips format and they are not supporting theirs?
Appologies, but i still do not agree!