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  1. suestuff


    I am unclear what you mean by service manual adjustments. The model that I have is the MZ-M100. Are there any adjustments that can be made to improve battery charging. Also, here's another question about this model. I do not recall getting an AC adapter when I bought this, although I am sure that I did, and perhaps it's even in the house somewhere. Anyway, the manual says do not use any adapter except the one provided. The package and the manual, as best I can tell, don't tell you anything about the adapter and have no real pictures of it. If I do have it, how can i tell which one it is. And if I don't have it, can I use other Sony MD adapters that I have? Any help would be appreciated, Sue
  2. suestuff


    I am looking to buy an NH-14WM battery and I am coming across some that are labelled NH-14WM(A), some are NH-14WM(BC) and some have no additional letters. Does anyone know what the differences are in these batteries? Sue
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