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Everything posted by rocklegend_

  1. Get yourself a pair of Shure Phones....I promise after using these you´ll never use Sony Buds again....
  2. Pñease if you could give a review or comparrison that would be great.I´m thinking of gettin a Zune myself...16GB just aint enough for me...although if it ain´t as good as my A3000 I might just hold onto that......
  3. To answer your first question....that is not true.I´ve ripped mp3´s with iTunes and haven´t had any problems with id Tags in SS..... Ur second question...Yes it would.....any changes you make in SS will effect the tags in iTunes or visa versa...but you can change id tags in SS but not effect iTunes....go into options in SS and you´ll find a setting in Library......me thinks....
  4. You can use both iTunes and Sonicstage to play ur mp3´.Just import them into both but be careful with idtags....I would use iTunes for track info as it´s alot easier to use...
  5. I´m kimda with you on this.The Zune is getting fantastic reviews but what I like most is that MS sorted out the problems with the first release unlike Sony....I seriously considering moving away from Sony.The only problem with the Zune for me is that it doesn´t support gapless playback.....
  6. Well after spending a bit of time with Media Manager all I can say is what a pile Of Sh*t.Useless.....so lets see what we have here......Sony have no New DAPS with more than 8Gigs and even the new ones aren´t Gapless and there doesn´t look like there will be new ones anytime soon especially with High Capacity....and people wonder why everyone has an iPod.....because they supply decent software in iTunes and Both small and high capacity players...but us Sony fans have to deal with small capacity players and Horrendous software.....Come on people this has got to stop.........
  7. rocklegend_


    I just read your Post.I have the A3000 also and I have a pair of Sony EXL90´s.The sound of these Phones are amazing especially with the A3000 EQ set-up properly.Beautifull highs and nice Bass...not to deep.I got these after trying Shure and the Sennheiser CX300 which are so overrated IMO.I would star away from the Skullcandy.Can´t imagine them much better than the Bundled pair.My only Critisim of the A3000 is the battery life.Atrac3plus 128 sucks the life out of the battery.Anyway I hope this helps.
  8. rocklegend_

    A91X new photos

    Yeah give us a review of the sound quality.That to me is the most important
  9. rocklegend_


    That player looks fantastic.I would but in in a heartbeat.I´m sure that it will appear on ebay stores.As it is stated above bu someone or all....that is the perfect Walkman.Sony are at least headin in the correct direction.Now all they need to do is release it outside Japan.Although if I´m picky and only downside is that it´s 16GB.Wouldn´t it be amazing if Sony released this walkman with a extremely high Hard Drive 60-80GB...I suppose I can keep dreaming
  10. Ah come on on,Don´t tease......Are Sony gonna suprise us and have a product that will knock us of our feet....or am I gonna have to keep holding on to my A3000 .I ain´t gonna but one of those 8gig players...not enough Space and I travel alot... Well it looks like Sony ain´t in any hurry and are bidding there time as there seems to be abit of a Apple Backlash at the moment with some not so positive reviews of the iPhone and Touch iPod....Now is the time for Sony to strike
  11. I hope this will be for the A3000 also....Now lads lets get on to Sony about Gapless playback with either AAC and MP3 or Both....
  12. I have a pair of EX90's and they are incredible headphones.The Bass is incredible and the Highs are Fantastic.I use it with my A3000
  13. Well guys I admire your stance on Sonicstage but really come on are Sony gonna listen to ya.Nope not a chance.When have Sony ever listened to anybody. What annoys me is that Sony are getting into bed with MS which is very bad news imo.WMP11 is far from Buggy but MS are more obsessed with DRM that Sony. I guess it´s time now to move on...those new iPods look promising.
  14. Nice to see Sony moving away from Chronicstage but I have many Gapless Albums so unless Sony sorts this out and creates a firmware for Gapless Playback Apple will be receiving my money in the future and not Sony....
  15. I was wondering the same. I really don´t think Sony will come out with a player that will have more than 20gb. I hope Sony will announce something new as I feel that they are falling way way behind the competition.I love Sony walkman....always had em but maybe it´s time for a change.... Oh I also hope that Sony will indeed have gapless Mp3 playback as if they do abandon Atrac they´ll a gapless codec because that´s why alot of people really want.
  16. There is a great program called Audio Converter.try googleing it.The only problem is that it doesn´t convert to Atrac.Blame Sony for that.What you can do is Convert to WAV with Audio Converter and then to Atrac with Chronicstrage (SS).It´s a long process but it´s gonna be the only way to get your music to Atrac.Oh and by the way Audio Converter converts to every format that there is except Atrac.Way to go Sony.......
  17. And Sony are phasing out MDs.There hasn´t been anymore MDs since the RH1 and that was over a 1 year ago.Sony seem to be focusing their attention on flashed based players.Buying blank MDs are becoming rare these days.Shame really as the MD players have amazing SQ.
  18. That´s exactly what I was thinking.Also what I´ve found is that Atrac 128 is better bit rate than Atrac 132
  19. Well get buy yourself a shed load of DVD-R´s and use Nero.Click on Back up Hard Drive and away you go....
  20. I know which one I believe and it aint the big corporation in free-fall or downward spiral trying to convince everybody that everything is ok considering how much disregard that Corporation has for it´s customers...cough cough
  21. I pray to God we don´t see another version of Chronicstage.As much as SS 4.3 has improved it´s interface is awful and it just ain´t user friendly unlike WMP11 or iTunes which is my favorite of all the JukeBoxes and I don´t have an i(follow ever1 else)Pod. I think Sony with their players will be drag and Drop compatible and those that wanna use Chronicstage will be able to do so if they chose.Also Sony gave us Image Converter in order to put Video on the new Walkman....they didn´t even try to make Chronicstage Video compatible. Sonicstage is slow and clumbersome and I hate it....Sony should get the guys who originally created WinAmp to create a new Jukebox as they have nothing more to do with Winamp. As long as Chronicstage is supplied with their walkman´s they just won´t sell but the one thing we know about Sony is that they are stubborn.
  22. 2 questions for ya... 1...In what way is Atrac 128kpbs better than Atrac3 132kpbs. 2...Is Atrac3plus 128kpbs compatitible with the NW A3000 as I´ve just bought one and and it should be delievered any day now.I wanted the A808 but 8 gig aint enough so the next best thing I could get was the A3000 even though it´s not a popular unit on this site.... Tanx
  23. A little bit worried about what people are saying about the A3000.Every1 seems happier with the HD5 than the A3000.I just bought one for 150euro.I hope it´s good..
  24. MMMM another player that doesn´t support Atrac.One is starting to get suspicious and worried.I hope Sony improves mp3 and AAC support to the standard of Atrac which I think has the best audio quality....Also so with no Atrac does this mean it ain´t Gapless... I love the Drag & Drop feature and what´s also interesting is the removable media idea....Memory stick....This seems more of a Mini-disc replacement.Removable Flash Memory....I hope they sell this in Europe
  25. Now what is needed is for ye guys to flood amazon.co.uk with positive reviews for the product including Sonicstage 4.3 in order to boost the star rating.Notice he encouraged people to but an iPod....The guy got no class
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