Just dug out my old MDS-JE510 which I've been meaning to look at for a long time but never got around to it.
I fixed the self-switch-on/eject limit switch problem - that's now working fine. (Rather than pack the flange with insulating tape, I carefully twisted the metal flange towards the switch so that it now pushes the limit switch all the way in - seemed to me to be a more permanent solution than using sticky tape which could deteriorate over time and fall off.)
The other problem with the machine is that it cannot record. Everything seems to work fine during recording, but when you try to replay the recording, you find you just have a blank disc. Any attempt to record simply results in the disc being wiped.
I looked into this many years ago, and remember finding a Web page explaining how to fix this problem, but I can't seem to find that page again now. My memory is hazy, but it was something along the lines of a spring deteriorating with age, and ending up not strong enough to push the "record head" (???) against the disc. So the disc is wiped by the laser, but the head isn't in contact with the disc to write the new data, so you just end up with a blank disc.
I have looked at the mechansim, but I can't really see any springs that would have this effect. There is a part that seems to come down onto the top of the disc only in Record mode, but I can't see any springs that would affect its pressure on the disc surface.
Can anyone suggest how to fix this, or maybe know of the URL of the original document I found that explains the fix?
Many thanks in advance.