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Everything posted by shotdsherrif

  1. Fair question. But the laptop as I said, is refurbished. And the seller, while reputable, does not seem like the the go-to source for information. The manual I received with the unit does not go into the necessary level of detail. This will take some digging I believe.
  2. Hello, I've just purchased a refurbished Sony Vaio VGN-NW350F. I had recently owned another Sony Vaio whoch lasted FOREVER and was seemingly indestructible. So I have a good experienced with the brand. My new laptop is only 2 days old. My problem is when I have the laptop plugged in the screen dims and is only at full brightness when it is unplugged from the adapter. I would like to have it at full brightness as the default setting. Can anyone point me in the direction of how to adjust this setting. Thx for your help.
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