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Everything posted by duh2k

  1. duh2k

    Buying a PS3...

    I can access the A805 like a normal thumbdrive, but i don't think I can transfer mp3's to and from the ps3. For one thing, the copy option is grayed out when i clicked on the mp3 on the player. And if i copy mp3's to the player, they'll just sit in the music folder. I can't playback via the walkman. So I guess the A805 works like a normal thumbdrive when connected to the PS3. Sonicstage is still required to transfer songs....
  2. duh2k

    Buying a PS3...

    Hi, I recently got a PS3 and i can confirm that my A805 works fine. Song playback goes without a hitch
  3. duh2k

    Sony B series?

    Hi everyone, just for the info of those interested, the B series walkman is released in Malaysia. I've attached a screenshot of the specs from Sony Malaysia's website P.S. Sorry for bumping an old thread
  4. Hi, I'm running SS4.3 on vista with applocale....it installs ok for me and my SS displays my song titles properly (japanese though, not chinese)... strange that applocale doesn't work on ur vista...even after u followed Zephir's link...
  5. I remember changing my registry values when i was reading up on the 'japanese songs titling FAQ' even after that, I still got songs displaying as ??? in my player... Until I tried changing the tags in the song itself...then they displayed nicely after transferring...maybe the registry change + applocale only tells SS to display in the correct language? but when transferring, it still reads the tags on the file? Just my own observation...please point out any mistakes :respect:
  6. the characters display perfectly in SS right? try this, go to the mp3 file in question and right-click and view the properties....u have to make sure that the titling is correct in the file tag itself...not just the filename...bcoz when u transfer the songs to ur player, it takes the info from the mp3 file itself...irregardless of what is displayed in SS... hope it helps, and hope i'm not giving wrong info here
  7. Hi, I generally listen to Japanese songs and if it doesn't display right on SS or Windows, I tend to google the tracklist from the album and copy/paste the title in SS and the song ID tags Old fashioned....and roundabout method....but it works for me Maybe the TS can try that with chinese songs?
  8. duh2k

    My Sony NW-A806 so far…

    Hi everyone, first post here though I've been lurking for a long time Just got my A805 a few days back and I'm loving it! I think the supplied phones are above average compared with other bundled phones for portable players...the isolation they provide is ok, was using em the other day at home during the rain and they blocked out the rain sounds pretty well. I don't use em that much though...I use my fave E888's
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