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  1. Got to say - this is fantastic I can finally destroy my old Vista 32 install which was only used for this THanks
  2. muso


    Eek, sorry. Still, I have now learned to tie my own shoelaces!
  3. muso


    Sorry if I missed this, Otiasj, just a quick one: What's your build environment used for the source? Visual Studio? I'd like to have a play! (I'm rubbish so probably won't provide you any useful help, just interested) Thanks Jon
  4. muso


    Thanks for that OtiasJ. Hey, if it's not compatible with Sonicstage I don't think many people will complain! Just thought it might help people who just got a crash when they clicked ML resolve that issue. Cheers, have a great evening
  5. muso


    This may help going forwards: Blank HD5 (I reinitialised from player menu) will no longer work with Sonicstage (It continuously says "checking if tracks were deleted without being transferred back to library" etc and then says Internal error has occured. Used Winamp plugin to add one track to player - then Sonicstage works as normal! However clicking on the Winamp track causes an exception in Sonicstage. Add tracks to player using Sonicstage. Now when clicking Media LIbrary in Winamp it instantly crashes with exception (presumably because of the presence of the Sonicstage tracks). The exception just says "unhandled win32 exception" which I know isn't that useful but my visual studio debugger is broken and I haven't reinstalled yet. If I then remove the Sonicstage tracks using SS and reload Winamp the Media Library Plugin works as before. If you need any files from my machine give us a shout. Jon
  6. muso


    Well - I had to find time to quickly try out plugin. Renamed OMGaudio folder, plugged in. Transferred one file to player, then transferred back! Beautiful. All went swimmingly. I was of course unable to play file from device using Winamp (unable to render file) but otherwise top top work! System used WinXP Pro SP2 latest updates, Sony HD5, SonicStage 3.4 is installed, MP3Filemanager V2 installed. No GYM installed and I haven't created keys, but it worked fine just with mp3fm. Thanks loads! Jon
  7. muso


    OtiasJ - nice one! You are a complete star. I shall try and use the plugin tomorrow. I have MP3 file manager installed so I take it that's enough to run some tests for you? Another HD5 owner. Cheers, nice one. Jon
  8. Hmm, interesting webpages, thanks! Advanced propulsion, seems like. I've not heard of this before. It seems these guys think they can use this for propulsion in vacuum. I don't understand it though - 'cos in the last page talking about the "biefield-brown anti-gravity effect" they seem to be pushing against gravity - which would not be possible in deep space without any major bodies to push against. Interesting though. You may also (assuming you don't already) be interested to look up "Zero Point Energy" which is on the things nasa's advanced propulsion people were looking at as a possible space drive thingy. That's fascinating stuff (Again I cannot understand 70% of it!) jc edit - oops, of course it supposed to work whether in vacuum or not!
  9. Sweet, cheers grf. Already have an rh10 but I love the look of the nh1 - and for that price I'll have one!
  10. I think I need to visit an ear specialist! I'd never noticed this! (Although when I used my RH10 for a player more I tended to use the original Sony in the ear things and most of my library is Atrac). But comparing to computer and my HD5 it is quite obviously duller. Nowadays the MD is for recording anyways - HiSP or LinearPCM. >>Off to have ears syringed! JC
  11. Nice to see the Apollo 440 Electro Glide in Blue up there Freebird! It's a rather good album. I managed to score it on original MD. JC
  12. Google I think linked me to mindisc.org and found the forums from there. (I already bought into MD but I was looking for info on this mysterious "Hi MD" and looking to buy one! Glad I did!
  13. Kid A at 192kbps MP3 - current song "National Anthem". 1. Everything In Its Right Place 2. Kid A 3. National Anthem 4. How To Disappear Completely 5. Treefingers 6. Optimistic 7. In Limbo 8. Idioteque 9. Morning Bell 10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
  14. Hi rclimbs. I've not come across any mp3's being locked by Sonicstage at all. It just references their position on the HDD so it can find them and transfer them. HD5 - don't know about the other players to be fair, but I quite like mine. It seems really solidly built and sounds pretty nice too. I much prefer it to how the new Sony HDD machines look. And as Stuge says, it works perfectly well with Sonicstage (I quite like Sonicstage nowadays!).
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