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  • Sony Products I Own
    Sony VaioVPCEH12FX 15.5" Laptop

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. "If the floor is milk, chum that sucka and make it butter." Crazylegs

  2. "Y'all moves ain't worth the bit, so what's up with that, P'WUNK?!" - Kuriaki, Beatstreet

  3. "I've been all around the world, you've been all around the world wide web." Bebe

  4. "Never be embarrassed,never be ashamed of your situation or your shortcomings." - Marlon, HK

  5. "Anything you lack is your weakness." Kmel

  6. "I could not go to sleep because I was so obsessed with finishing it so I stayed up for two and a half days editing." -@DanCloudCampos

  7. I never killed anybody, I never raped anybody, I never committed no crimes that weren't honorable. - Tupac

  8. I think I'm a natural-born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if it's authority that I respect. - Tupac

  9. Parents just dont understand. - Will Smith

  10. "Don't let the majority change you by thinking life is the way it is portrayed on TV. Life is not like that. You know what life is." -Remind

  11. "...now im sayin what's on my mind and they dont want that. This is what you made me America." #Tupac

  12. I have a Sony Vaio VPCEH12FX 15.5" laptop. Current Setup: Running 2 monitors (3 total displays including the laptop screen) Goal: Run 3 monitors (4 total displays including the laptop screen) Problem: The laptop's HDMI and VGA outputs are too close together, and only one can be utilized at a time. Partial Solution: To get my second VGA monitor I'm currently using this converter that converts the VGA to USB so I can use a USB port instead of the blocked VGA port. Solution Needed: I want to utilize the blocked HDMI port so I can get a 3rd monitor running (4 displays including the laptop screen). I can't use another USB converter device because its already slowing down the CPU/Memory. Any suggestions on how to access that cramped port? Any other suggestions?
  13. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: still going strong. http://t.co/w5PaPZfz

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