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Everything posted by danox574

  1. Good communication and accurately described Hi-MD blanks. Great transaction.
  2. Solved -- but not by any settings. Found references to a specific handshaking problem that Parallels under OSX has with Hi-MD and found someone else with the same problem who could not solve it. I installed VirtualBox, an alternative software package for running Windows in a OSX environment (and free!) and it works there fine. I'm glad that the problem is not based on my inability to configure it right, but the OS host environment. Hope this helps others who may be trying to do the same thing.
  3. Actually, I think I've misled you with my description -- each running copy of OMGJBOX was launched by me. When it crashes, I cannot remove it from the process list in any way (killing the process or tree does nothing) and if I relaunch it, I end up creating a second instance of it. When that crashes, the next launch creates a third, and so on. There is not a second copy launching when I put in a Hi-MD. The first checkbox (run Sonicstage automatically) is already unchecked, I manually launch it only. I removed the three file associations that it had but that doesn't seem to change anything. I have tried all the disc type settings, they also don't make a difference. When I put in a Hi-MD, I hear a USB device disconnect from Windows, and then one connect, and then Sonicstage attempts to read the Hi-MD and crashes. I ran an experiment -- I accessed the Hi-MD file system directly and trashed it by deleting the default folders. Then, Sonicstage could run without crashing with my Hi-MD in the drive. Of course, it reports a bad file system, so I initialize the Hi-MD from Sonicstage. It successfully formats, and then starts to talk to the new filesystem -- and dies. It seems to be related to it interacting with the Hi-MD. I appreciate the advice. I am actually trying to load/patch a Win7 system instead under a virtual machine to see if the problem exists there as well.
  4. Hello -- I am the proud owner on an MZ-RH10 and a lot of car Minidisc hardware -- CA680X, C800REC, a pair of MDX66XLP changers. I actually use the RH10 to drag/drop tracks onto Minidiscs for the car (LP and LP2 encoded). I recently wanted to use the HiMD capability of the RH10 (not for the car). I have installed SonicStage 4.3 Ultimate and read the threads on here on troubleshooting it and it works great. I can import to Sonicstage, copy to and from MD, and encode at the same time as I copy with no reliability issues. I am running Windows XP under parallels on my Macintosh and generally pulling files into Sonicstage from my iTunes library so I can get them on to the Minidiscs. XP is fully patched SP3 and is a very, very thin install -- I use windows only for a couple programs and install as little as possible with it to keep it clean and simple. The problem is, this works perfectly with standard 74/80 minute minidiscs, but as soon as I put a Hi-MD in the drive, I get my omgjbox.exe error. I have searched the forums and there are plenty of omgjbox errors to read about, but I can't find one person that says that their problem is unique to Hi-MD disks. I only have 1 HiMD disk, it was owned by someone else, and I did erase it through the RH10 controls. If I am not running Sonicstage, the HiMD does appear on the desktop for file storage, so I believe the driver is working, but Sonicstage crashes with 100% certainty when it sees a HiMD in my player before anything happens. The omgjbox.exe process remains stuck in the process list inside of windows and after launching/crashing multiple times, there are multiple omgjbox processes in the list (I have had as many as 5). Killing the process, or process tree, does NOT remove them, I have to restart the XP box to remove them. DEP settings do not help. If anyone has advice on how to solve this, or can point me to a relevant thread I missed in my searches, I would appreciate it. Thank you!
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