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  1. Hi. I'm trying to resurrect my Sharp MD-SR60 which just seemed to stop working some years back. I really liked it for recording 'sketches' of song ideas I had when writing. Anyway the unit turns on, says hello and shows the volume and bass while the spinning disc icon shows in motion. It makes some whirring and not too healthy clicking noises while it tries to read the TOC and comes back with Can't READu Recently I found this forum and found a page that talked about test mode. I'm guessing, like another user listed, a low or totally drained battery got my unit into test mode and some settings were changed - I certainly didn't change anything intentionally as I didn't even know there was a 'test mode'! Needless to say I've tried many discs which do work in my Sony MDS-S41 I've downloaded the service manual (thanks for that) but apart from cycling through the test modes themselves - it's as clear as mud to me how to change anything,and I can't see how to re-initialize the unit so the laser is aligned again properly - any help very much appreciated. Thanks.
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