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  • Sony Products I Own
    STR-DB725, MDS-JE520, CD player, VHS player

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  1. Hi, Hope this forum contains the unlimited source of wisdom regarding Sony MD players/recorders. I have bought a new receiver, which has multi-zone functionality. I will use Zone 1 as home theater in the living room and Zone 2 in the kitchen. There is one problem though... The receiver can only output analog sources to Zone 2. So I can not use the built in AirPlay or internet radio in Zone 2, only CD (on analog input), RADIO etc. To solve this I have an idea... I have an AppleTV device to which I can Airplay music from my iPad. I can connect the Apple TV to the MDS-JE520 MD player with optical cable, then the MD is connected to the CD analog input on the reciever. Question is: Can I pass the Apple TV music through the MDS-JE520 without recording it? This will make the MDS-JE520 a D/A (optical to RCA cable) converter. Best Regards Daniel Clarification, I just simply want to playback music from my AppleTV through my MD player on my receiver and the reason is that Zone 2 in the reciever can only playback analog sources. //Daniel
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