Help Please I have had a NWE005 for Christmas and naturally tried using the Sonic software. In a nutshell after upgrading to the latest version and upgrading my firmware the operation of transferring files is erratic \ unstable. Hence, I would like a reliable, functional way to add \ delete mp3 files from the unit. I am a basic computer user so when I read the instruction i take them literally. I am not sure whether I am doing the install of the MP3 file manager right can you help! I did take time to read a lot the previous posts and carried out certain points. I verified I could load a mp3 file to the unit via Sonicstage. I verified that I have Java 5.10 (1.5.10) on my PC. On one post it states to load the "installer the NW-E00X Mp3 File Manager on your player at the root". I assume this means to copy the jar file (downloaded) to the root of my removeable drive (NW-E005) in my case G: Am I meant to just double-click this file? It seems to work or am I missing something? Occassionally, the software appears to lock up but I am not sure whether that is the way I have installed it, or using it? I would appreciate your comments. Cheers Andy