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Everything posted by Teasy

  1. Yeah I live in England.
  2. I just came accross the invoice for my NW-A3000 today completely by chance. It has 21st of June 2006 as the date when I bought the player from Amazon. So my 1 year warranty will still be ok. What should I do, try to send it back to Amazon or to Sony?
  3. I'm pretty sure my warrenty has run out yes. So does anyone know how to open this device? Are there some kind of screws hidden on it somewhere? Its useless to me right now so if Sony won't fix it I might as well have a look incase its something simple.
  4. I tried that but its impossible because even in complete darkness the screen is so dim I can't make out what's on the screen. EDIT: I managed to see the display well enough to find the settings by getting into bed and covering my head with a quilt Anyway the brightness was almost right up, so something is definitely broken. But I did turn it up one more notch to the top and now I can see it ok in a dark room even with the light from my monitor. So that's an improvement at least. I'm really not sure what could be wrong with it. Its not as if the display just isn't working, its just extremely dim, I mean even the brightness settings are working..
  5. I've pressed the reset button at the bottom of the device and all it did was turn the player off. I then turned it back on and nothing had changed.
  6. I've had my NW-A3000 MP3 player for just over a year now. Recently I turned it on, as I do every do on my way to work and the screen didn't light up. The buttons still light and the MP3 files play fine (I can even see the writing on the screen dimley in complete darkness) but theres just no light coming from the screen so its blank in any sort of normal lighting conditions. Has anyone else had this problem and if so can it be fixed? How can I open the player to have a look (I don't see any screws of any kind).
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