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Everything posted by Nevadita

  1. not just missing but it get stuck on custom for some crazy reasons. and even if you pay the mandatory fees theres always more and more taxes. the only safe way get a international shipping parcel is using a real expensive service like DHL. (and their prices kinda defeats the purpose of online offers)
  2. yes, Yes, you may have a point there. i gonna wait for another offer to show up. (one that doesnt mean 200bucks for a used unit. are they nuts?, thats is what i paid (pretty much) for the R500 new back on 2001) thanks
  3. That isn't $40, more like $19
  4. Hi I used to have a NZ-R500 back in 2001, but i lost it. so recently i got fond of the format again so i look online where i can buy one. i cant order anything via international shipping (customs are terrible here). so i found this Sony NZ-R700 for like 22USD (with the remote). thing is, the seller says audio output is broken. and i dunno if it would be hard or expensive to get it fixed. this is the player: http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.co/MCO-404476896-mini-disc-sony-mz-r700-_JM
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