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About _hubert

  • Birthday 02/28/1973

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  1. Tipical display of Australian self orientation. Wasn't trying to be rude to someone who was trying to help me. the size of the letters got big by accident. But hey thanks for your great Australian sense of macho display
  2. right like i know what you were talking about mr ishiyoshi windowblinds?? I am just a intermidiate computer user not an expert But thanks anyway
  3. Thank for your reply but done all of that and still didnt work
  4. Recently I have bought a sony NW-E407, but I am not been able to use it yet, because I have never encountered a such a problematic software like sonicstage. I have installed it and then I try to open the program nad the cute little message 'omgjbo.exe. has encountered a problem...' appears. Its such a hassle you buy a product and then such a dissapointment that you can't use it. I hope that someone will help me because I tried a few thinks even calling sony and no luck. I have a windows xp/ sp2 computer and I tried the following 1. 'Turn on DEP for all programs and services exept those that I select', double clicked explorer etc.. (sony's site avice) 2. Under selective start up uncheck all except 'load system services and use original BOOT.IN'. Restart the computer etc.. 3. Install and uninstall a many times all versions of sonic stage And at this stage dont know what to do. Sony is not much helpfull to say the least thanks a million anyway
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