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  1. should i buy a new usb? i got this from the other site "Thanks everyone for the help that you gave to me. I finally found what caused the problem after I rang up to PSP technical support center yesterday. It is the hardware problem, USB cable, although the connection is fine through the cable, but that PSP usage USB cable cannot transfer data correctly (the professional said that is the design problem for the cable). Once I tried to change the USB cable, the problem solved!!! (curse that cable~~~) Well, finally I can store the files in my PSP, I am happy about that. Thank you guys Cathy"
  2. i could transfer pictures fine and i just successfully transfer an mp3 to my psp and it played fine but when i deleted it and tryed to transfer again it get me the error and same thing happen when i use sonicstage 3.2 it transfered successfully but when i deleted it and transfer again it wont transfer and get the error but it can convert to atrac 100% i could only transfer pictures but videos and musics i cant any solutions? =(
  3. Processor Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.53GHz Processor Speed 2.46 GHz Memory (RAM) 256 MB Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Operating System Version 5.1.2600 System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Dell Computer Corporation Dell DIMENSION DIM4550 Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.53GHz 2.52 GHz, 256 MB of RAM is that enough? and where do i go to see the complete system specs? thanks
  4. i have psp 2.0 the memory stick 32mb that comes with psp but still wont work does it have to do with codec? and when i try to put mp3 to /PSP/MUSIC i get that error and when i use 3.2 sonicstage i get the error how do i send it to my psp properly? it works on my dads laptop and my other comp
  5. whenever i transfer atrac to my psp it always freeze and will say or when i manually drag mp3 to psp's music folder using copy and paste it will say i tryed it on my dad's laptop it work when i manually drag the mp3 to psp's music folder please help thanks
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