Today. I feel really happy cause of I have finished one of my favorite artist's albums make to minidisc like as CD.
It's a my personal project for some effort of minidisc. So, I called this R(eal) M(inidisc) P(roject).
My first RMP edition is One of Korean artist. And second, I choose the one of artist I really missed.
The artist name is ZARD. She has really beautiful voice make me relax and comfortable, But Zard, died
in 2007 when she was just 40 years old.. I really miss her.. So, I make these RMP all of her albums.
It's so hard.. Cause of She released so many albums. ^^;;
I attached some photo of my ZARD RMP. It include 11 regular albums , 45 singles + 5 special singles and
6 Best album with some more albums.. It's really hard working.. But It's really beautiful that I think.
How do you think about it?.. Since a minidisc has develoved long times ago. But, I think the minidisc is amazing device more than
any other portable device. It needs a user's interest and effort..^^;; Thank you for reading my poor English.