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  1. lyle

    NW-S205F problem

    It seems that at various random times my player shutdowns in the middle of a song. It has happened several times with a multiple songs. The songs are 192 bitrate, or 160, all sampled at 44.1. Anyone have similar experience? solution? Thanks Lyle
  2. Your describing the problem pretty exactly. How big is a large music library?
  3. lyle

    is this a joke?

    sorry for the 2nd post. Now it seems to import but I wait like 2-3 minutes before it imports. Again, any suggestions. When it working before, it was immediate. its every song.
  4. lyle

    is this a joke?

    After posting a few day ago ( http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3128) about crash on import new songs, I had some success for a couple of days. It is now happening again. DOES ANYONE HAVE CLUE ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON? PLEASE lyle
  5. that sucks. I have nw-s205f. I hate playlists, one more step for a lazy person.
  6. Forgive me for being lazy, but I'm just starting out. Every song that has an album and it gets transferred as an album. It appears songs cant come out of their album. How do you move albums/songs on the walkman for a particular order. I try to drag up and down and nothing happens. thanks
  7. finally got it to work. Did a complete uninstall per the instructions on this website. Reinstalled-reimported all files-seems to be fine.
  8. Wont import wav's either. I tried multiple mp3's. Its not the source. HELP! would XPsp2 make any kind of difference as for as import issue? I tried in safe mode, without all background apps turned off, installed and reinstalled. I reinterate, HELP!!! lyle
  9. Hi. I'm having trouble importing any music files. Once attempted, it freezes and I have to close using taskmanager. I dont get the omgjbox message. Just a freeze. I had sonicstage 4.0. I uninstalled and installed 4.2 and same thing happened. Tried in safe mode. same thing. Pentium 4 (2.6ghz) 512mb memory, XP sp1 thanks. Lyle
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