Have I killed my NW-A3000?
It was working fine, then for some deranged reason I decided to change the settings on JSymphonic to transfer at 192 rather than 128. Which seemed to go fine. Transferred a playerful of tracks...they all appeared on the player...went to play a track, and according to the display everything was fine - counting down the seconds and everything. Only problem - no sound. Nothing.
Since then I have:
Deleted all the new tracks and transferred new ones at 128
Updated the firmware
Copied the entire HD from another NW-A3000 (which works fine)
Formatted the hard drive, reinstalled the firmware, transferred new tracks
All of which has made naff all difference. Same story - it lists the tracks, I can pick any track and play it, and the display says it's playing. Just...no sound.
Only other thing I can think of that may be worth a mention is that it keeps wanting me to 'Connect compliant software'. Every time I disconnect it. I don't even know what that means. And the one that works fine does the same - but that doesn't stop it working.
I have a horrible gut feeling that I've bricked it - but I'd be delighted if anyone out there knows otherwise and can guide me out of The Land of Silence.
Thanks in anticipation.