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  1. And here I was thinking this was about storing data in a normal MD. I'm sorry to piggy-back my random ramblings in this topic, but I'm unsure if someone has talked about this before. Lately, I got a MZ-NF810 from a friend, and I got this weird idea about storing data in MD. I know that it has an USB port and it works one-way only, but I've been thinking about storing data as audio files in the MiniDisc. It could be useful for hiding private stuff in discs that no-one usually would think to contain data. The idea would be to store 24 bits of data as sound in the 24 discrete critical frequency bands ATRAC has defined (part 2.3 of the ATRAC spec at http://www.minidisc.org/aes_atrac.html) as a point of data during a couple of samples at 22050 Hz. It would store then 3 bytes 11025 times per second, 1984500 bytes per minute, to encode the data. The audio information would be generated by a software, and it would be recorded via our trusty optical interface (or in the case of NetMD, USB interface). The file name could be stored at the data track. To decode it, it would have to be played back (I know, really slow) via the optical interface (no USB downloading here, it seems) and received by the software, which will capture the sound tidbits and turn it into data again. I know that it seems weird, very modem-like and the audio would be a nice madness of noise, but I don't know if it could be made. How feasible would be to do this, from all your experience?
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