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Everything posted by geezawolf

  1. The big deal, cool_rock, is that I want to select all the files I wants to transfer and find out what the total size of all the files are so that I know if I've got enogh space on my player for them before I transfer them. That's pretty much what I've already said.
  2. Is that it? Is that the only way?!!! Typical crappy Sony/Sonicstage. Why they can't just let you see what you're doing before you start transferring is beyond me. SOOOO wish I'd spent a few eztra quid and bought an ipod.
  3. I've imported a whole load of songs in to SS and want to know what I can fit on to my 1GB player. The trouble is, it tells me the total length of all the songs, but not the total file size. I want to know what I can fit on my player. The only way I can do it is to click on each track individually and add up the file sizes which is ridiculous. Any ideas?
  4. geezawolf


    Ahhhh. In my incompetence, I wasn't using the local media thing but was trying to do it straight from the playlist section. Sorry. It works and that's fantastic. Thanks for all your help.
  5. geezawolf


    Hi oatisj Sorry for the delay in this. If I'm honest, I figured it's just not going to work for me and so persevered with Sonic Stage - but I HATE it!! So here's the screen shot you asked for ages ago. Really hoping you can help. G
  6. geezawolf


    Also, because I got the songs from the itunes sore, they're protected. Does this mean I'm screwed?
  7. geezawolf


    Do you know any good software? I couldn't find anything that looked any good.
  8. geezawolf


    How much will the quality deteriorate? Why do itunes work with mp4 files anyway? They always used to be mp3 didn't they?
  9. geezawolf


    I downloaded some tunes from the itunes store and think I have been very foolish. Basically, i have a Sony Walkman which uses atrac files and I have Sonic Stage (which is rubbish but can't get the ml-sony thing to work). Anyway, the tunes I downloaded are mp4 files and they won't import in to Sonic Stage. Can anyone help or have I just completely wasted my money?
  10. geezawolf


    Sorry, excuse my ignornace, but I don't really get what you're asking me to do?!!
  11. geezawolf


    Hi otiasj Yeah, still having problems. I have no idea if I have the full version or not. How do I tell? Screenshot of media library attached. Hope you can help. Using SonicStage is slowly killing me!!
  12. geezawolf


    Hi Srazash Thanks for your reply. Yeah, the file is definitely in there. Regarding SWX, I didn't really get what you were on about!!! Sorry for my ignorance!!
  13. geezawolf


    Well not working for me on my PC or my laptop!!
  14. geezawolf


    I'm using the latest version of Winamp. Am starting from a fresh database. Really gutted at SS is RUBBISH!
  15. geezawolf


    Thanks for your reply. I've done that but when I click on 'J:Sony Walkman', there is on a 'config' button in the bottom right hand corner and no 'apply'. The tracks are definitely MP3 format and my walkman is a NWE003 if that helps.
  16. geezawolf


    Problem: I have put the ml_sony file in to the plugins folder and when I go to WWinamp, my walkman appears under 'Devices' as j:walkman. However, when I click on the 'Send to' button, I click on the j:walkman and nothing happens. Any ideas?
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