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Mark Edson

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  1. Sony was fools to stop making full size units for us HiFi nuts that love the MD fomat so it didn't take on apple so what it's still 100 times better for us for home use, what would be nice is a new HiMD QS deck as I along with 1000s of people would buy them out over night if Pioneer can bring out a new turntable plus CD players why can't Sony give us a new MD player as we need to be able to play our MD's for another 20 years, I've been a very big fan of MD since 1998 & all my friends have come to love MD for home recording after I lent them my old 520 to put MD to the test even people with the very top end Reel to Reel have come to love MD for home recording in stereo.
  2. I'm not all 3 MD's are for sale. I thought I would give people in this group the chance to buy them before I list them on Ebay if you don't like it please remove the adds & myself from this site, no wonder people don't stay long
  3. I have 9 full size MD recorders and I have been a big fan of MD from 1998 I do have a 520 MD recorder for sale with 40 MD's £80
  4. https://www.facebook...91916157&type=1 use the link to see everything I have 3 MD players for sale one is a HiMD the other 2 normal players they come with everything plus a extra remote for the MZN1 plus 5 power packs there is a MZ - N710 --- MZ-N1 ---- MZNH1 Hi MD they come with 6x1gb MD, everything is in full working order £230 free p&p in the UK
  5. have you still got the Onkyo ?????????????????
  6. I've used MD from 1998 till this day, My first recorder was a Sony 520 that I had till 2010 & when I looked on the net they had stopped making a new full size MD Recorder I do have some portable Net & HiNet recorders but like others we still have our HiFi's and minidisc replaced cassette over night & is still the best home recording format out there, Sony need to make a new full size recorder for us HIFi nuts that love the MD format I have over 1000 mindisc's and 8 full size MD recorders, This I do know if Sony made say 1000 units they would sell out over night a plus would be a HiMD full size recorder. Sony has forgot about us that have full size hifi that love the format just because the portable format was killed off my apple does not mean that Sony should kill off the MD as the last full size MD was the MDS-JB980 UK SE
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