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Everything posted by kevdo_01

  1. No problem thanks for having a look anyway, I appreciate you taking the time. I'll do as you suggest and keep an eye on the Japanese Yahoo auction site. As it turns out I've managed to source some official Sony MD boxes but i'd still love to get my hands on a couple of those ones you have. If you ever see any come up give me a shout if you don't mind and i'll check them out. Thanks again for your time.
  2. Hi Footmobile, I was wondering if you could tell me what the model number is on the black units that hold 48 MD's? I'd be interested in trying to acquire a few of these if possible. My love for MD's has been rekindled since I acquired a Sony MD deck for free earlier this year and I've been listening to some old albums I'd forgot I had on MD. I'm now going to start buying more blanks and creating albums with music I've downloaded digitally over the years, hence the requirement to find some decent storage solutions. Currently I have them stored in the plastic cases the come with when you buy a pack of 10 but I also have quite a few loose ones. Ideally i'll transfer them all into one storage solution, but I can also make use of my current storage. Long live the MD. As long as guys like us still make use of the tech it will never die! . Hopefully one day it will come around again just as vinyl has. Happy new year to you all by the way!!
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