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  • PlayStation Network ID
    Sony NW-E005F

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry for annoynce guys. The problem was my OMGAUDIO folder and all its contents were read-only. Once I've fixed that everething flies. Thank you Pat. You are my hero. I was about to return device because of SonicStage, but obviously not now. Now I want to contribute to the project. I am not developer, but I can help translate interface into Russian and Ukrainian. Could you provide me with some instructions? Thanks again.
  2. Hi Patrik! Was incredibly happy to find your manager. Now I have problems running it. So I read all the threads of the forum and tried different options - still no good. I've got Sony NW-E005F (2gb), Firmware v. 2.01. I run WinXP Professional on my PC. What I did to make it work: 1. Formated player from within (using advanced menu option). 2. Copied unzipped "OMGAUDIO" folder, downloaded from sourceforge on my player. 3. Copied NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12.jar in the root folder of my player. 4. Coppied ffmpeg.exe and accompanying dll in the root folder of my player (even though I never change bitrate of imported files). 5. Launched NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12.jar by double-clicking on it. 6. Selected all music files to be imported, pressed "add title to player", then pressed "write titles to player". 7. Closed the program. 8. Safely removed device. 9. On unplugging received "NO DATABASE" error. I wonder what the problem might be, as I've tried all the possible solutions from this and other forums and neither helped. Thanks in advance. P.s. I've attached copy of original OMGAUDIO with small audio file, created by SonicStage, just in case.
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