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About ear4pjw

  • Birthday 05/28/1986

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  1. just a random question, are there any audio enhancers (such as DFX for winamp+WMP) that work for sonicstage that anyone knows about? They make songs sound a lot better yet none seem compatable for sonicstage cheers for any help
  2. ear4pjw


    i currently am using an NW-a3000 with sonicstage 4.2 and having been transferring music regularly to my device over the past few months. I have been deleting the files on my computer however, as i do not much memory on my computer and didnt want it clogged up with files. Unfortunatley all my files are in atrac so im guessing theres no way of getting these back on to my computer and be active again? (i tried GYM to no avail, wouldnt let me save or play anything even after i followed all the instructions) What's annoying me though is the inability to edit playlists with my songs on the device. any songs in the bookmarks cannot be removed from the bookmark unless you delete the song completely. Is there anyway i can create/edit bookmarks/playlists without having the songs on my comp harddrive?? thanks for any help any1 can give! phil
  3. Currently: Tiesto - Summerbreeze and Nyana Chicane - Behind The Sun Sway - This Is My Demo Plan B - Who Needs Actions When You've Got Words Enter Shikari - Collection of Songs Primal Scream - Exterminator Sasha - Xpander EP And of course, Journeys Greatest Hits!
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